I really haven't taken many pictures since I've gotten here, as I've been too busy. However, what I have I will share with you. First we see my dorm room door, complete with my professional sign!!
The head boys' counselor, Julian (from Athens, Georgia), decided that spelling is also a Fine Art and is therefore open to interpretation. I asked him to inflate my title as much as possible, hoping for something like "Thespian Management Technician Intern," but instead I got "Tech Assistant Tech." I'm assuming the first "tech" is short for "technical," while the second is short for "technician;" however, Julian would not divulge the truth. He also has a molestache.
We finished our general set today, and have all systems running and looking good. We went through 2 rolls of Gaffer's Tape getting all our cable secured down. Apparently, the Fine Arts Camp has endured a lawsuit or settlement regarding a camper who tripped on unsecured cables, so I was told to be extra careful in taping.
J knows just about everything, and he seems to be thinking about 12 different things all at once, 24/7. I may have also mentioned that he's working 2 other jobs up here in Sitka. Needless to say, he's quite occupied. Our volunteer, Drew, has been an incredible help, and has completely mastered humility. He's not afraid to give me pointers and tips, and has given me a lot of great tidbits. He also told me that he's respecting my position as the Stage Manager and encouraging people to go through me instead of him. He knows that he is a volunteer and that this is my job, and acts respectfully. He's given me full permission to ask him any questions if I don't know how to do something or need help, but he wants me to get the experience of dealing with issues first-hand. He says that someone from his past taught him everything he knows about stage and set for free and asked for nothing in return, so he's now a strong believer in giving that knowledge back to others. I couldn't ask for two better guys to teach me.
This post is borderline rambling, so I'll let it go for now. We'll be back tomorrow! Oh, and below is my room, pre-unpacking. I have it all to me onesy!!
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